Friday, March 7, 2008

Piece a (raw chocolate) cake!

I continue to be amazed at how little food I'm eating and how little I'm tempted to have anything cooked, no matter how delicious I know it is. I have a major sweet tooth and I was in a 2-hour meeting yesterday with a huge batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies -- something I normally could not resist if my life depended on it, hehe -- they smelled great and everything, but I took one look, said no thanks, and actually paid attention throughout the whole meeting! Who says miracles don't happen today??

Seriously, though, I've noticed several "fringe benefits" this week as a result of going raw:
-- more energy (crucial)
-- fewer and less dramatic mood swings
-- clearer thinking; greater ability to concentrate
-- satisfied on much less food; rarely hungry
-- no cravings
-- I actually FORGOT to even think about coffee, which I'd been trying to give up unsuccessfully for ages.

Yesterday I had a banana for breakfast, another banana and water for snack, raw homemade vegan corn chowder for lunch (yum!), an Omega 3 bar right before I left work, a few bites of salad and 1 date for dinner.

I'm definitely planning to incorporate a lot more raw food in my diet permanently, if I don't go 100% raw. Very eye opening.

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