Thursday, March 6, 2008

Day 5

My appetite continued to decrease yesterday -- not meaning that I didn't want to eat, but that I was satisfied with much less food.

breakfast -- mango, banana, spinach smoothie; and later green tea
snack -- Omega 3 bar
lunch -- green salad, handful of pistachios
dinner -- an apple and 2 dates

I even cooked bean burgers for my husband and kids, and for a split second thought about eating one, but didn't really want it... so amazing to me!

Today I feel a bit nauseous, but I'm not sure if it's a detox thing or if it's related to Scarlett puking half the night last night. She seems to have had the same thing Isaac had a week ago -- congestion for a few days, followed by a night of puking, a little diarrhea the next day, and then fine. Darn daycare! I realize it's so important that I continue to be conscious of their nutrition and make improvements whenever possible. If they were home all the time I'm sure they'd never be sick, but constantly being exposed to other kids who do get sick means their immune system has to work a little harder -- and therefore I have to work harder at feeding them the right things.

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