Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dream Team

The prayer calls we're having every day with my church are so powerful. I've only been on a handful of times so far and already I feel the momentum of the team and can't help but be inspired to continue to participate. Teamwork is so important, for everyone, but especially for the Body of Christ. My husband needed a team to get his album produced. I needed a team of creative women to help me rediscover my dreams and get clarity as we pursue our divine destiny together. As my pastor says, "We're all called to do something great, but none of us can do it alone."

I've played on sports teams for most of my life. I've always loved the dynamics of teamwork and the quest to become the best. Who doesn't like to win? The truth is that no one can win on their own. Even solo athletes and performers need a team to get them to victory -- coaches, trainers, mentors, nutritionists, competitors, role models, etc. I've decided that for the rest of my life, no matter where I go or what I do, I will be part of a team. And not just any team, a "dream team" -- consisting of like-minded individuals who know their roles and are committed to fulfilling them. A team that I can dream with, knowing they will support and participate in the dream, not scoff or try and get me to compromise and become mediocre.

I pray that the entire Body of Christ gets this revelation quickly. We need each other. There is no time or place for selfishness or laziness or contention. Arise, Church, arise!

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