Thursday, January 31, 2008


Today I'm just enjoying the beautiful simplicity of life. In the beginning of Proverbs it says to remember the things we learn from our parents as little children. Love people. Share. Eat healthy foods. Get enough sleep.... (I realize not all parents teach these things, and that's part of my point.) Why do we always want to complicate things as we get older? We tell ourselves we need things just because some TV commercial or sitcom tells us we do. We're too "smart" for age old wisdom. And the Bible is way too outdated to be applicable today, what with all our technology and "enlightenment", right? Nonsense!

If we would just look at the answers right in front of our faces more often, we'd all be a whole lot happier. As my basketball coach used to teach us: Keep It Simple Stupid. If you just focus on the basics you'll win a lot more games. It worked then. It works now. It always will.

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