Thursday, January 24, 2008

Mind ya bizness!

Why are people so quick to believe bad things about a person, and so skeptical of those who are trying to do good? Why is it so easy to jump to conclusions and throw away years of relationship because of one nasty rumor? It's so sad... our flesh is truly at war with our spirit, and unfortunately most people are like Terminators in the flesh and like premature, crack-addicted babies in the spirit. Sorry for the crass analogy, but I'm just annoyed right now. I hate it when people accuse others without having the whole truth. 'Innocent until proven guilty' doesn't really exist in this country. Scripture says "judge not lest ye be judged," and "in all your getting, get understanding"... not hearsay, not popular opinion, not even your own opinion... but understanding, of the truth, which can only be found in the Word.

I know this is somewhat cryptic, but I can't really go into detail because it's not my story to tell. All I can say to anyone who may read this is, always give people the benefit of the doubt! Give a lot of grace, because it's right, and because you'll get it back when you make a mistake or when circumstances don't paint you in the best of lights.

1 comment:

Adriel said...

You shouldn't liken anyone to a spiritual crack baby. That's just wrong.