Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Have I mentioned how much I love my kids lately? LOL. This week is going so great. Scarlett officially weaned herself this week, at just 13 months old. Isaac did the same at 12 months. I always envisioned myself breastfeeding for a good 2 years per kid, but for both the kids and me it just lost its appeal after a year. Now Scarlett will still ask me for milk, but as soon as I try to put her to the breast she just looks at it, makes a face and shakes her head no. Too funny. She's happy to guzzle down bottles of rice milk instead.

To top it off, Isaac is on the verge of being potty trained. He's not wearing diapers during the day except when he naps, and he pees and poops in the potty consistently throughout the day.
Woo hoo!

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