Thursday, January 10, 2008

Time for another entry...

Why is it that when no one's asking me to write anything and I have no obligations to write, ideas are constantly popping into my head (usually when I'm as far away as I can get from a pen and paper), but when I know I'm supposed to write something I can't think of a single interesting thing to say? It's like my mind is toying with me. It blurts out creativity at the most inconvenient times and withholds that same creativity when I try to ask it nicely a few hours or days later. Not cool.

Today I feel like the "Time to make the donuts" guy on TV... anyone remember him? Just going through the motions on autopilot. Time to write my blahg entry... Ah well, I've been taught that the way out of writers' block is to keep writing no matter what, even if you're just babbling. Sorry to anyone who is actually still reading this. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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