Thursday, February 28, 2008

Florida's Calling

I hate the end of winter. Mostly because it drags on for sooooooo long. In case anyone hasn't noticed, it's freezing today! I can't wait 'til we leave for our family vacation in Florida at the end of March. I wish we were going sooner. And I wish we could move NYC a little further south... like to the Caribbean.

But enough complaining. I'm really looking forward to going to Florida to see my mother-in-law and brothers-in-law, and my dad and stepmom who now fly south for the winters (I'd like to be jealous, but they deserve it). It will be great to have the kids get reacquainted with their grandparents (while hubby and I get reacuainted with each other, at least for one night -- tee hee). Thank Yah for vacations!

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