Friday, February 8, 2008

A Piece of His Mind

I asked God what He wanted me to know today, and what He would have me tell the world, and this is what He said:

I'm in you. I inhabit you. I live in you. You are my dwelling place. You are holy, set-apart, blameless. Do you still not know this? Why do you hide Me? What are you afraid of? Do you trust Me or not? Do you want Me to run the show, or do you really think you can do a better job? Let me govern you at all times. I, and only I, know what's best for you. I know how to make you great. I know how to make you prosperous. You, your life, is My territory, My domain. Will you let Me rule in peace, or will you challenge My authority and attempt to overthrow Me at every turn? I know how to rule. It's what I do. Let Me teach you. You say you are ready, now let your heart be steady and trust Me. You have NO IDEA what I am capable of accomplishing in you. Stop trying to guess and analyze before I can get any momentum going. You're slowing Me down.

Your spirit is amazing. Your spirit is strong. You are your spirit. You are not your body, your appetite, your exhaustion, your fears, your insecurities, your failures. You are triumphant. You are glorious. You are My workmanship, after all. Let Me show you off as I see fit.

I don't speak to everyone the same way, nor do I speak to one person the same way every time. I give you what you'll let Me. Let Me give you what's best for you, not what's best for anyone else. Open your heart and your mind to Me. Take the limits off. Be flexible. Be open to surprises. I've got a lot up My sleeve.

I know, you're ready to stop now. It was nice talking to you. Let's do this more often. Please.

By the way, I don't need you to apologize for Me, ever. What I'm doing in you is My business. I don't care what you or anyone else thinks about it, especially when I haven't even warmed up yet. I'll reach others in My own way, in My own time. You don't have to be a shining example of the perfect specimen for all the world to see. Just trust Me, and My glory will shine through you when you least expect it, and for those you least expect to notice.

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