Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Ongoing Process of Becoming One

I have the sweetest husband. He is so perfect for me in every way (and he insists that I am for him as well), yet we still have so many misunderstandings in our day-to-day lives as we endeavor to become one. Just for clarification, when I say "becoming one", I don't mean losing our individual personalities and preferences, I mean being united and fused together in purpose and destiny.

Without going into too much detail, I'll just say that we had a totally unnecessary 3-day long fight/chilling period that left us both exhausted and defeated. Once we finally talked it out, it boiled down to this: I was doubting his love/appreciation for me and he was incredulous because in his mind, he's doing everything in his power to show me how much he loves and appreciates me. LOL. Talk about Mars and Venus. It turned out to be a simple communication problem. Well, simple to identify anyway -- surely more difficult to rectify overnight, but now that we know the intentions behind our actions, we will have a lot more patience with each other.

It's funny, the fighting was so painful but then the resolution was so sweet that I couldn't help but be grateful for the whole process. I hope that I've learned a lesson about always assuming the best about my husband's intentions and having the patience to talk things through right at the time of the conflict, rather than waiting to "cool off".... brrrr! I never want to be that cold again!

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