Thursday, August 21, 2008

Your Brain is An Antenna

I've heard this for years from my pastor but I just want to put it "out there" for anyone who may stumble upon it because it was a huge revelation to me when I first heard it. This concept has saved me so much grief, aggravation, confusion, guilt, etc. over the years. It's very simple, as the truth usually is. Here goes...

Your brain is not a "thought factory" that produces original thought. In fact I'll go so far as to tell you you've never had an original thought in your entire life! Sorry if that offends you. Your brain is actually an antenna that picks up transmissions from the unseen spiritual world all around you. These transmissions come from one of two camps -- Yahweh's/God's camp, or Satan's. Positive, life promoting, encouraging, loving, creative thoughts come from Yahweh. Negative, doubting, skeptical, angry, hating, destructive, confusing, worrisome, stessful, lack-conscious, guilty, depressing thoughts come from Satan.

I highly recommend tuning in to Yahweh's station and staying there. All other stations, and there are many, will ruin your life in various ways and to varying degrees.

Don't be so proud as to think you've got everything figured out. What you see, hear, smell, touch, and taste with your meager 5 senses makes up less than 1% of the reality you live in, and your lifetime is barely even the tiniest blip in the history of the universe. You are a tiny receiver that will stay tiny until you link in to the network that created you. As soon as you do get linked, though, you have access to everything the Creator himself is and has. Receive love. Receive limitlessness. Or be a tiny forgotten blip. It's your choice.

1 comment:

wrell said...

Hi Rachael,

I'm not christian in a traditional sense but spiritual non the less. There are scientific studies showing that what your priest says may very well be the case. I can't remember where I read it so I'm currently scanning the internet to find some info on it. Thats how I stumbled upon your blog. If you know more, please send me a mail:

A central part of faith may become science in the future.