Thursday, August 7, 2008

Faucet of Energy

As promised, I'm giving an update on a previous post called "Faucet of Youth" (pls scroll down, I'm in a rush and can't put in the link right now). Despite my skepticism, I have to say this water is pretty amazing. I've noticed a subtle yet steady increase in energy, which is what I've been desperately hoping for. I haven't even been eating as healthy since I got the water filter, and yet it's still having its effect. Yesterday I did eat well -- almost 100% raw -- and had a glass of water when I got home from work, and I was wide awake and full of energy until past midnight. UNHEARD OF for me! My bedtime has been getting later and later, and I never feel like I need a nap. This is priceless! :-)))))))))))) Stay tuned for future updates...

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