Monday, May 12, 2008

7 Deadly... Wrath

Another word for wrath is anger. We have so many opportunities to get angry on a daily basis. So much is beyond our control, and although some of us are more control-freakish than others, we all like to have some sense of control over our daily lives and destinies. We like to think we've got it going on, that we're successful and happy. But then we constantly bump into people all day long who threaten that sense of well-being, or more accurately, remind us that very little of what happens to us is within our control. So we get angry.

Our father, Yahweh, completely understands this about us. And since He is the one who IS in control, He doesn't fault us so much for our anger, only for acting on that anger in the wrong way. He tells us it's ok to be angry, just don't let it cause you to sin. In James 1:19-20, it says let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath, for the wrath of man does not work the righteousness of Elohim. He's telling us that He knows we're not going to understand everything, and that because of it we're going to get angry when we don't really have any reason to be. He just warns us not to be too confident in that anger... not to assume we know what's truly going on or act out in order to "rectify" things. He's got it under control. He'll rectify everything in its time.

So the next time you're tempted to unleash your wrath on someone, even if you're sure you're justified in what you feel, go back to Yahweh and ask Him what He thinks. Be swift to hear another perspective. Your steps are ordered, even when you're not so sure of where you're going or why. Just trust Yahweh and control your anger -- that's one of the things He allows us to control -- if we can't handle that, how do we expect Him to give us anything bigger to manage?

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